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Goetechnical (Soil Investigation)

Geotechnical investigation is the procedure of acquiring information on subsurface soil condition and synthesizing them in order to determine geomaterial parameters required for design.

We propose to carry out the above work, using our standard 100mm diameter Shell / bailer equipments to refusal depth, refusal being indicated as and when the standard penetration test value equals 50 for 7.5 cm standard penetration test will be conducted using an automotive drop hammer. Undisturbed soil sample will be collected in 100 mm diameter steel tube of 45 cm in length which properly wax & mark indication of depth etc on it.

Further drilling in all type of rock by calyx / Hydraulic feed- rotary method, will be carried out using ‘NX’ size diamond bits with single or double tube core barrel as & where required for higher core recovery Drilling through rock will be carried out up to 5 meter in hard rock or as advised. These rock cores will be placed in wooden core boxes. Core box clearly marked with site name, client name, Final depth & bore hole no.

On completion of the site, soil water and rock samples obtained from the boreholes will be handed over to you for safe keeping with detailed soil investigation field report. Later all field report with Bore log & laboratory report with Geologist report will be given to you after 8 days of sample send in laboratory test.

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